Sunday, September 21, 2008

High Treason

The year is 1780. The American Colonies have been at war with Britain for over 5 years in the struggle for independence from the British Empire. General Benedict Arnold, one of the more successful generals in the Revolutionary Army, is given command of a fort in New York called West Point (the future home of the U.S. Military Academy). It is now that an idea begins to form in his mind, an idea whose roots had been deepening for several years. Though Arnold's military career was relatively new, he had already proven himself to be a successful military strategist and field commander at the battle of Fort Ticonderoga and at the battle of Saratoga, a key military victory for the American forces. However, due to animosity that had developed between himself and other high ranking officers in the Revolutionary Army, he had been passed up for promotion several times, creating deep resentment within himself towards his fellow officers. As a result, his appointment to the command of West Point provided a perfect opportunity for him to take revenge upon the army and his fellow officers. He began plotting with British General Sir Henry Clinton to betray West Point to the British and to defect to their side. On September 21, 1780 (today) Arnold met with John Andre, a British Major and messenger between Arnold and Clinton to work out the details of the fort's capture. However, the plot was discovered before Arnold could turn over the information to Andre, causing Arnold to escape to the British Army. Major Andre was not so lucky. In failing to escape he was captured by American forces and executed as a spy. Arnold went on to command British forces throughout the rest of the war, and retired to England for the remainder of his life.

Please Contribute Ideas

If you all have anything that you would like to hear about in my blog (stories, people, events etc.) feel free to post them in the comments section.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Premise of the Blog

This blog is not what one would consider to be a standard blog. While others are written to let readers know what is happening in the life and thoughts of the composers, this blog will have little if nothing to do with me. Instead, I plan to impart my knowledge and love of the history of this nation to you readers out there. My apologies if I occasionally get really nerdy when talking about it. I will post about various leaders in our history, their deeds, thoughts, beliefs, quotes, speeches, and whatever else my nerdy history mind decides to post. Also, I will post about historical events such as elections, battles, passages of laws, and so on and so forth. I have realized that many quotes from our past still have relevancy to our nation today. On that note, I shall leave ye, O intrepid reader, with a thought from my favorite Patriot and yours, Joseph Warren.

"Our country is in danger, but not to be despaired of. Our enemies are numerous and powerful; but we have many friends, determining to be free, and heaven and earth will aid the resolution. On you depend the fortunes of America. You are to decide the important question, on which rest the happiness and liberty of millions yet unborn. Act worthy of yourselves."